I’ve been a developer on the web for at least a decade, cutting my teeth on ye olde Internet back when server-side includes (SSI), Macromedia Flash, and Adobe Contribute were all the rage. Since then I’ve used everything1 from PHP (and Drupal), to Wordpress (both pre- and post-Gutenberg’s introduction), to ASP and C#.NET, to Python (with Django), all mixed with a healthy dose of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I’m a maker2 by nature and that manifests in my pursuit of hobbies and the work that I do. I’ve spent a significant amount of time–both volunteering and working–in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, especially in the area of digital skills (e.g., coding, digital design, and digital art) development. Most recently, I was with Canada Learning Code (pre-January 2024 layoffs), serving as their learning experience designer for adult programs, creating learning experiences on a wide variety of technical topics such as introductory web development (basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript); procedural art and interactive experiences using Processing, JavaScript and Python; introductory cybersecurity, search engine optimization (SEO) concepts and practices; SQL and relational database usage; and basic/fundamental digital productivity skills (e.g., using Google Drive Applications).

In my spare time (and sometimes as part of work), I tinker with electronics. While taking introductions to both computer engineering and electrical engineering were mandatory, we didn’t cover much in the way of circuit design– a lot of truth tables, logic gates, flip flops, and Ohm’s law, not a lot of MOSFETs, optocouplers, and flyback diodes. I find robotics and physical computing, especially using easy-to-use and widely available microcontrollers–such as the BBC micro:bit, any Arduino or Espressif (ESP) device, or Raspberry Pi Pico–to be particularly fascinating. Perhaps its the latent science fiction nerd in me, but there’s something about seeing code in action in physical space that just tickles my brain.

If you want to learn more about me–for example, if my experience & expertise could be of interest to your organization– browse through some of my featured work (coming soon) or blog posts, or check me out on LinkedIn or Twitter/X!

  1. I’d be remiss if I didn’t find some way to include the quality time spent during my engineering and computer science undergraduate degrees (B.A.Sc. chemical engineering & B.Sc. computing technology) with crowd favourite Java

  2. I have a whole thing about the use of this particular word that I won’t get into right now. Suffice it to say, I recognize that it is a term that is not without its own baggage, however it is also a term that carries some general & more widely understood meaning, so I’m using it here out of expedience moreso than as an endorsement.