Selected works of @jernwerber

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Digital Agriculture & Adobe InDesign

Sample two-page spread from a document laid out using Adobe InDesign depicting an image of a proejct's framework and structured and stylized text.

The way that information is presented is a large part of how its perceived and understood. There’s a lot to be said for nice looking documents, not the least of which is that it reflects the importance that something carries. A well-laid out, polished design communicates that you (or your organization) care about a subject or topic.

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Micro:bit & Autodesk Fusion 360

Simple single micro:bit servomotor layout drawn in Autodesk Fusion 360.

Good diagrams go a long way towards understanding how to set up an activity. For this project, I measured the physical materials/components using a set of digital calipers and modeled them in Autodesk Fusion 360.

The benefit of doing this is better clarity compared to a photograph and more detailed than an abstract drawing of the materials and setup.

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Learning JavaScript and p5js through Game-making: Tutorial sketch

Game-making is a great way to introduce someone to programming because a lot of easy-to-understand game concepts can be used to provide a structure for learning. Adding each feature naturally decomposes a larger problem into manageable chunks, and with some creative planning, features can be arranged to provide a progression through basic coding concepts.

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