In part 3 of this series on using the D3 JavaScript library (d3.js), we will look at using the functionality provided by D3 to group our data, then use that grouped data as the basis for a simple pie chart showing the relative sizes (proportions) of the groups. We will look at a couple common D3 patterns, including select-data-join and creating and calling generated functions.

Note: if you’re just coming to this series or need a refresher on the story so far, why not check out the first post or the previous post (part 2)?

The starting point

Recall that we have a TSV (tab-separated values) formatted data string in the variable rawData (provided below)

Show data string
const rawData = `Role	LaidOff	Functional	Hierarchy
Chief Executive Officer	FALSE		4
Chief Strategy & People Officer	FALSE		3
Director, Fund Development	FALSE	FUND	2
Director, Partnerships & Program Facilitation	FALSE		2
Director of Marketing and Communications	FALSE	MARCOM	2
Director of Finances & Accounting	TRUE	FIN	2
Director, Programs	FALSE		2
K-12 Program Manager	TRUE		1
Adult Program Manager	FALSE		1
Manager, Chapters	FALSE		1
Senior Manager, Partnerships	FALSE		1
Senior Manager, Program Facilitation	FALSE		1
Senior Project Manager	TRUE		1
Sr Manager Evaluation & Impact Measurement	TRUE	EVAL	1
Senior People and Culture Manager	FALSE	HR	1
Senior Marketing Manager	FALSE	MARCOM	1
Instructional Training Manager	FALSE		1
Senior Fund Development Specialist	TRUE		0
Sr. Learning Experience Designer	TRUE		0
Senior Partner Development Lead	TRUE		0
Senior Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Senior Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Senior Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Senior Fund Development Lead	FALSE	FUND	0
Senior Fund Development Lead	FALSE	FUND	0
Partnership Development	TRUE		0
Lead, Teen Ambassador Program (TAP)	TRUE		0
Senior Partnership Development Lead	TRUE		0
Senior Bilingual Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Senior Bilingual Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Bilingual learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Learning Experience Designer, Adult Programs	TRUE		0
Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
Bilingual, Partnership Development	TRUE		0
Accountant	FALSE	FIN	0
People and Culture Coordinator	TRUE	HR	0
Data Analyst	TRUE	EVAL	0
Partnerships Coordinator	TRUE		0
Marketing Coordinator	FALSE	MARCOM	0`

And the following starter/setup code (with the data loading integrated):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module">
    import * as d3 from "";
    // your code goes here

    const rawData = `...`; // put the actual data string here

    const data = d3.tsvParse(rawData);

    const svgWidth = 400;
    const svgHeight = 400;

    const d3svg = d3.create("svg")
        .attr("width", svgWidth)
        .attr("height", svgHeight)
        .attr("viewBox", [ -svgWidth / 2, -svgHeight / 2, svgWidth, svgHeight ])

<div id="d3-container">
    <!-- this will hold whatever D3 generates -->

Which boils down to:

  1. import everything from d3.
  2. Parse the data out of the tsv string.
  3. Setup the <svg> element that will be the canvas for the chart. Here, svgWidth and svgHeight are used as variables of convenience.
  4. Use d3.create("svg") to create an <svg> element.
  5. Assign values using the attr() method to the <svg> element’s width and height attributes, which determine the size of the <svg> element.
  6. Assign a value to the viewBox attribute1. This takes an array of 4 values corresponding to min-x, min-Y, width, and height. min-x and min-y are the lowest values that x and y can take inside the visible area of the <svg> element, i.e. they correspond to the top-left corner. In essence, this is defining the coordinate system within the <svg> element.

If you’re relatively new to JavaScript, this code (especially for the d3.create() method) might look a little odd, but method chaining (whereby a method is immediately executed using the result of the previous method) is a major/common pattern in d3. You could also write it on a single line (as below) but I think it’s easier to understand what’s going on and what’s being called when it’s separated out as above.

const d3svg = d3.create("svg").attr("width", svgWidth).attr("height", svgHeight).attr("viewBox", [ -svgWidth / 2, -svgHeight / 2, svgWidth, svgHeight ]);

Grouping the data

Right now our data is stored as an array of objects. To be able to represent it as a pie chart, we need some way to represent it as single, graphable values. Take the question,

How many people were laid off from Canada Learning Code in January of 2024?

What we would need from our data are counts of roles where LaidOff="TRUE" and LaidOff="FALSE". If you’re familiar SQL, you might be thinking about the GROUP BY clause, which you can use to summarize data by the values of a column. We can achieve something similar using

// dataSet, property )
const groupedData =, d => d.LaidOff);

This separates the data in our data variable into two groups, based on the values of the property, LaidOff, specified by the function provided as the second argument2 of "TRUE" and "FALSE".

We can get a sense of the structure of groupedData using the spread operator ... or Array.from()3:

console.log(...groupedData); // or console.log(Array.from(groupedData))
// [
//     [ "TRUE", [ // all data where LaidOff === "TRUE" ] ],
//     [ "FALSE",[ // all data where LaidOff === "FALSE" ] ]
// ]

The size (length) of the arrays contained in each group would be the number of data points in each group (i.e., the number of roles/positions belonging to each group). The equivalent SQL might look someting like:


Generating the pie (and) slices with d3.pie() and d3.arc()

👆 The endpoint for this section. See the code:
<script type="module">
    import * as d3 from "";
    const rawData = `Role	LaidOff	Functional	Hierarchy
  Chief Executive Officer	FALSE		4
  Chief Strategy & People Officer	FALSE		3
  Director, Fund Development	FALSE	FUND	2
  Director, Partnerships & Program Facilitation	FALSE		2
  Director of Marketing and Communications	FALSE	MARCOM	2
  Director of Finances & Accounting	TRUE	FIN	2
  Director, Programs	FALSE		2
  K-12 Program Manager	TRUE		1
  Adult Program Manager	FALSE		1
  Manager, Chapters	FALSE		1
  Senior Manager, Partnerships	FALSE		1
  Senior Manager, Program Facilitation	FALSE		1
  Senior Project Manager	TRUE		1
  Sr Manager Evaluation & Impact Measurement	TRUE	EVAL	1
  Senior People and Culture Manager	FALSE	HR	1
  Senior Marketing Manager	FALSE	MARCOM	1
  Instructional Training Manager	FALSE		1
  Senior Fund Development Specialist	TRUE		0
  Sr. Learning Experience Designer	TRUE		0
  Senior Partner Development Lead	TRUE		0
  Senior Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Senior Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Senior Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Senior Fund Development Lead	FALSE	FUND	0
  Senior Fund Development Lead	FALSE	FUND	0
  Partnership Development	TRUE		0
  Lead, Teen Ambassador Program (TAP)	TRUE		0
  Senior Partnership Development Lead	TRUE		0
  Senior Bilingual Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Senior Bilingual Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Bilingual learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Learning Experience Designer, Adult Programs	TRUE		0
  Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Learning Facilitator	TRUE		0
  Bilingual, Partnership Development	TRUE		0
  Accountant	FALSE	FIN	0
  People and Culture Coordinator	TRUE	HR	0
  Data Analyst	TRUE	EVAL	0
  Partnerships Coordinator	TRUE		0
  Marketing Coordinator	FALSE	MARCOM	0`;
    const data = d3.tsvParse(rawData);
    const groupedData =, d => d.LaidOff);
    const svgWidth = 300;
    const svgHeight = 300;
    const d3svg = d3.create("svg")
      .attr("width", svgWidth)
      .attr("height", svgHeight)
      .attr("viewBox", [-svgWidth / 2, -svgHeight / 2, svgWidth, svgHeight])
      .style("background-color", "lightblue")
        d3.pie().value(d => d[1].length)(groupedData)
        .attr("fill", "white")
        .attr("stroke", "black")
        .attr("d", d3.arc().innerRadius(50).outerRadius(100))
            .text(d =>[1].length)
<div id="d3-container-chart-1">
    <!-- this will hold whatever D3 generates -->    

  We’re almost there. This is where we encounter some d3 specific functionality in the form of data binding (with the data() method) and data joining (with the join()) method. Now we need to do the following:

  1. Use d3.pie() to generate the start and stop angles for each slice, based on the size of the groups in our data.
  2. Create and append an SVG group element, <g>, to act as a container for the pie slices.
  3. Bind the generated pie slice data to <path> elements in the group that we just created.
  4. Set the <path> element’s fill and stroke colors by way of the attr() method.
  5. Use d3.arc() to populate the <path> element’s d attribute for the path, which determines how the <path> is drawn.
  6. Append a <title> element to each <path> that describes the data that the pie slice is representing.
  7. Finally, append the SVG to the container <div>.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module">
    import * as d3 from "";
    // your code goes here

    const rawData = `...`; // put the actual data string here

    const data = d3.tsvParse(rawData);
    const groupedData =, d => d.LaidOff);

    const svgWidth = 400;
    const svgHeight = 400;

    const d3svg = d3.create("svg")
        .attr("width", svgWidth)
        .attr("height", svgHeight)
        .attr("viewBox", [ -svgWidth / 2, -svgHeight / 2, svgWidth, svgHeight ])

        d3.pie().value(d => d[1].length)(groupedData)
        .attr("fill", "white")
        .attr("stroke", "black")
        .attr("d", d3.arc().innerRadius(50).outerRadius(100))
            .text(d =>[1].length)

<div id="d3-container">
    <!-- this will hold whatever D3 generates -->

Binding and joining data

There’s a bit to unpack in that code. First is the d3 pattern of


which is how some of the future d3 magic works: it makes less sense right now since there are no existing elements that match selectAll("path"), but if there were, this is how d3 would be able to select chart elements and update them with new data based on .data().join("path").

Generating pie slice start and end angles

Next is how data is being provided to the data() method: d3.pie() returns a function that can be used with a dataset to generate the appropriate values for startAngle and endAngle. The function created by d3.pie() returns an array of objects based on the input data with the following structure4:

// these are generic values, but the structure is what's important
        "data":  1, // the original data point. in our case, this would be an object.
        "value":  1, // the value derived from the original data point
        "index": 6,
        "startAngle": 6.050474740247008, // angle in RADIANS 
        "endAngle": 6.166830023713296, // angle in RADIANS
        "padAngle": 0 // gap between slices also in RADIANS
    // ...

As for using/creating/calling d3.pie(), the two approaches below are equivalent:

// create and call the function on one line
d3.pie().value(d => d[1].length)(groupedData);
// ----- pie() function -------|-- argument --|

// or

// create the function and assign it to a variable
const pieGenerator = d3.pie().value(d => d[1].length);
// call the function using that same variable

We also need to instruct d3 on how to extract (access) the necessary value from the data being provided, the sum of which determine the proportion of the pie that the slice should take. We can use an arrow function (=>) for this purpose.

Recall that our groupedData Map can be accessed as an array of arrays, i.e.:

    [ "TRUE", [ /* datapoints as objects in this array */ ] ],
    [ "FALSE", [ /* datapoints as objects in this array */ ] ]

For each group:

  • d[0] is the group label, "TRUE" or "FALSE"
  • d[1] is the datapoint array, the length of which is how many points are in the array

So, d => d[1].length, as a count of the datapoints belonging to a group, could be used as the value that would determine a group’s slice of the pie.

Using d3.arc() to generate paths

The shape of a <path> element is set by the code found in the value of the d attribute. The code for each slice of a pie chart can be generated by the d3-shape helper function, d3.arc(), which itself returns a function.

    .attr("fill", "white")
    .attr("stroke", "black")
    .attr("d", d3.arc().innerRadius(50).outerRadius(100))

Like the function created by d3.pie(), the function created by d3.arc() needs to be provided data to be able to generate the code for the <path> elements. We can specify inner and outer radii by chaining the methods innerRadius() and outerRadius() onto d3.arc() (if the innerRadius() is greater than 0, the created d3.arc() function will generate a donut shape). When using this function, if we don’t explicitly specify what data to use, it will implicitly use the data that has already been bound– which is actually a good thing in this case since that contains both a startAngle and an endAngle.

That might have seemed like a lot of work to come up with a kind of boring visualization and you wouldn’t be wrong. Like many coding endeavours, there’s more than a little bit of setup to take care of however once that’s out of the way, that’s when things can really take off! Continue on to the next post, Data-Driven Disappointment Part 4: Colour and title text, where we’ll spice up our simple pie chart with some text and colours.

  1. More detail about the viewBox attribute from MDN: 

  2. Many of the methods in d3 are looking for some sort of function to define how to make sense of the data that’s been provided– of the properties available for each, which should be used to be able to answer the question that we’ve asked? 

  3. produces a Map object, so using console.log() directly on the result will just log an empty object {} to the console. Learn more in the MDN Web Docs entry on Maps: MDN Web Docs: Map

  4. d3.pie() documentation (